Documents: Fundamental rights - Procedural safeguards - Right to a fair trial

 2019 report on the results of the implementation of the 2017-2022 strategy for reform of the judicial sector

  •  05 November 2020
  •  Aleksandar Nikolov, Iva Conevska
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Report

This Report is based on the plan for monitoring the implementation and assessment of the results of the 2017-2022 Strategy for Reform of the Judicial Sector, using citizen-oriented indicators, i.e. indicators facilitating the assessment of the interaction of citizens with the justice system institutions, as well as the degree of attainment of strategic goals, guidelines, measures and activities envisaged under the Strategy. The indicators help measure the results from the human rights perspective and from the viewpoint of the Strategy’s effects on citizens, against the background of the overall work of the justice system. This Report covers the following strategic goals set forth under the Strategy: quality, efficiency, transparency, strategic planning and policy-making, judicial institutions, criminal matters, misdemeanour matters and civil matters. The indicators do not cover the following strategic goals under the Strategy: independence and impartiality, liability, access to just


 Public Policy Brief “Implementation of the Strategy for the Reform of the Justice Sector 2017-2022”

  •  19 December 2019
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Policy document

This public policy brief builds on the views expressed in the Public Policy Dialogue held on December 11, 2019 at Hotel Arka in Skopje as part of the “Partnership Justitia” project: Restoring Citizens’ Confidence ”, implemented by the European Policy Institute and the ZENIT Association, funded by the European Union through the Sector for Central Financing and Contracting and co-financed by the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia. The project aims to contribute to restoring citizens’ confidence in the Macedonian justice sector, by significantly involving civil society in essential reforms. The final beneficiaries of this project are the institutions in the field of judiciary. The dialogue consisted of two sessions attended by about 60 representatives from the Ministry of Justice, the Judicial Council, the Council of Public Prosecutors, judges, public prosecutors, experts in the field, civil society representatives and diplomatic missions in the Republic of North Macedonia.


 pvr zakon za sudovi

  •  14 December 2018
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Analysis

 Summaries of Policy Studies by grantees of Network 23+

  •  29 June 2018
  •  Network 23
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Report

• Towards the Civic Panopticon: Achieving Better Balance between Privacy Safeguarding and the Communication Monitoring Need • Who is the Employer: the Municipality or the Political Party? • Funding Sources, Obtained Funding Levels, and Impact Thereof upon the Judiciary • Will There Be “Whistleblowers” at Universities? Implications of the Law on Whistleblower Protection and Corruption Prevention in the Republic of Macedonia’s Higher Education System • Monitoring the Implementation of International Standards for Fair Trial at the Skopje I and Skopje II Primary Courts • Free Legal Aid – Challenges and Solutions • Accessibility and Inclusiveness of Courts in Macedonia • Analysis of the Law on Deciding and Determining the Amount of the Penalty • Analysis of the enactment of the Law on Deciding and Determining the Amount of the Penalty


 Between action and inaction – reforms in chapter 23

  •  16 April 2018
  •  European Policy Institute-Skopje and Helsinki Committee for the Human Rights
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Report

This policy brief summarises the main findings and recommendations from the Shadow Report on Chapter 23 for the period from May 2016 to January 2018 prepared by the European Policy Institute-Skopje and the Helsinki Committee for the Human Rights. The reporting includes three distinct periods: - period prior to the early parliamentary elections on 11 December 2016, - transition period after the elections and before the formation of the new Government on 31 May 2017 and - period from the election of the new Government by the end of January 2018. The report presents the key developments in the analysed period and provides policy recommendations in each of the areas of Chapter 23. For a detailed analysis of all areas please see the Shadow Report.


 Shadow Report on Chapter 23: May 2016 - January 2018

  •  30 March 2018
  •  Network 23
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Report

Project “Network 23+” implemented by the European Policy Institute-Skopje and the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights aims at providing structured contribution of the civil society in monitoring and assessing the policies included in Chapter 23 of the EU Acquis – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights. This report unifies all the findings, conclusions and recommendations that resulted from the monitoring of the areas structured in Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights into a single coherent entirety. In fact, this is the third Shadow Report published by “Network 23”. The previous two cover the periods of October 2014-July 2015 and July 2015-April 2016. This report encompasses the period between the beginning of May 2016 and the end of January 2018. The report’s period has been extended in order to correspond to the new cycle of European Commission reports, which are to be released in April.


 Бесплатна правна помош – Предизвици и Решенија

  •  06 September 2017
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Analysis

 Статус на имплементација на Итни реформски приоритети – мај 2017

  •  09 June 2017
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Policy document

The status of the implementation of the Urgent Reform Priorities in May of 2017.


 Status of Implementation of Urgent Reform Priorities - May 2017

  •  09 June 2017
  •  European Policy Institute
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Report

 Анализа на кривично-правната заштита за кривичните дела против слободите и правата на човекот

  •  13 January 2017
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Analysis
Key documents
  • European Commission Screening report for the Republic of Croatia
  • European Commission: Urgent Reform Priorities for the Republic of Macedonia
  • The Treaty on European Union
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