About MERC

Regarding the significance of Chapter 23 - Judiciary and Fundamental Rights and the EU accession process, MK – EU Resource Centre (MERC) was enabled. Once established, MERC 23 will present a unique monitoring and policy advocacy platform on the EU integration process in this policy area, used by the project network, but also by other users.  In addition, it will serve as policy bridging initiative encompassing policy products of Network’s members after the finalization of the project, thus ensuring sustainability and presence.

MERC (merc.org.mk) is web-based application and data base enabling categorization, cross referencing and elaboration of data related to EU accession of the country in relation to the areas of chapter 23 (judiciary, anti-corruption policy and fundamental rights). All of these areas contain subareas of which will be tackled. Each area, covering a criterion/sub-criterion of chapter 23 will be presented on a separate web page consisting of three parts: documentation, policy/analysis and visualization. The web page will be available in three languages: Macedonian, Albanian and English. The documents will be presented in the languages in which they are already available at this stage.

MERC 23 will be continuously updated within the regular activities of implementing partners. Regarding structure, MERC consists of 1) comprehensive relevant data on the EU accession process structured according to the areas of Chapter 23: Judiciary and Fundamental rights: 2) Policy briefs and updates on each of the areas of the Chapter and 3) Update on the latest developments in the accession process through the chapter dossiers.

The key outputs refer to availability and easy access to data most relevant for EU accession; proposed options for policy measures related to each area/chapter of EU accession made available to policy creators and the public; accurate update on all news related to the EU-accession process.