The area of fundamental rights, includes the traditional civil rights including the right to life, the prohibition of torture and degrading treatment, the freedom of religion, the freedom of expression and the freedom of assembly and association, the right to private life and freedom of communication, the freedom of expression and pluralism in the media. Moreover, the dicrimination on several grounds is prohibited and the equality between man and women is required. Children enjoy special protection. The right to education and the right to ownership should also be guaranteed.
The country that is acceeding should ensure procedural protective measures: freedom and security as well as the right to a fair trail. The equal access to justice is an important principle.
The respect and protection of minorities and cultural rights is monitored on the basis of international documents as well as the constitutional provisions of the candidate countries. Particular attention is devoted to the integration of Roma.
The measures for prevention and the fight against racism and xenophobia are a subject of consideratioon in the process of accesion.
In order to improve the fundamental righs of the citizens of the EU, a special Agency for Fundamental Rights was established. The candidate countries can have an observer status within the framework of the Agency.
Personal data protection should be ensured, in accordance to the EU Directives.