Two new organisations joined Network 23


Two new organisations joined Network 23

Transparency International Macedonia and KHAM Delchevo have joined the network of organizations for monitoring and advocacy of policies in the Chapter 23: Judiciary, Fundamental rights and Fight against corruption.

The Network 23 is a network of organizations founded in 2015. The network aims to foster public debate in the Republic of Macedonia for policies relevant to the Chapter 23 from the EU acquis, as well as advocating evidence-based policies. The Network 23 aims to include the opinion of the citizens in the key areas regarding democracy and rule of law.

The Network 23 now has 14 members:
  1. European Policy Institute - Skopje
  2. Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in the Republic of Macedonia
  3. Coalition All for Fair Trials
  4. Institute for Human Rights
  5. PACTIS - Prilep
  6. Association of Financial Workers
  7. NVO Infocentar
  8. Coalition 'Sexual and Health Rights of Marginalized Communities'
  9. Equal access
  10. NOVUS
  11. Freedom Square    
  12. Multikultura
  13. Transparency International Macedonia
  14. KHAM Delcevo