Documents: Anti-corruption policy - Institutions and policy

 Monitoring report on the implementation of the anti-corruption plan "Action 21" and the national strategy for prevention of corruption and conflict of interest

  •  10 December 2021
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Report

The monitoring report on the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Plan “Action 21” and the National Strategy for Prevention of Corruption and Conflict of Interest, in the period from March to December 2021 was prepared under the project “Monitoring of National Actions for Combating Corruption”, in order to assess the level of implementation of these documents and to show the open issues, gaps and shortcomings in the implementation of the steps planned.


 The Future of Freedom of Assembly in North Macedonia in the Digital Era

  •  19 November 2021
  •  Dushica Nofitoska, Vesna Dishlijoska
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Analysis

The right to association and public assembly does not in itself mean only the association of citizens with a physical presence through which they would express dissatisfaction with a certain government decision that affects their rights and interests. In the last few years, there is a trend of increased use of Internet tools through which the citizens of a country can act in the online space just as they would act with a physical presence. In North Macedonia, the trend of using online tools is experiencing its peak with the proclamation of a Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this Analysis is to summarize the International Legal Framework on the freedom of peaceful assembly in the digital era and to present the state obligations. Also, to research the opportunities and challenges of the assemblies in the digital era and the impact of the new technologies in exercising of the right to free assembly. In the same time to make comparison and research on the concept of digitally-med


 Report from consecutive visits on the situation and conditions in the penitentiary-correctional institutions in the Republic of North Macedonia in July 2021

  •  15 November 2021
  •  Ina Dzugumanova, Arben Gudachi
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Report

his report was prepared within the framework of the project “Eliminaton of Torture and Inhuman Treatment in Prisons and Deteniton Facilities”, funded by the European Union. For the purposes of the project, a Memorandum of Cooperaton was signed between the Macedonian Young Lawyers Associaton, the Helsinki Commitee for Human Rights and the Administraton for Execution of Sanctions. The report is based on field visits by the representative of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights – Ina Dzugumanova, representatives of the Macedonian Young Lawyers Association – Arben Gudachi and Irena Zdravkova, as well as external experts hired by the monitoring team, psychiatrist – Marija Kostadinovska and psychotherapist – Elisaveta Sekulovska. The experts were hired to assess the potential impact of material condidions in prisons and detention facilities on persons staying in these facilities. The assessment was conducted by providing psychiatric and psychotherapeutic counseling to convicts and talking


 2020 Report on the Implementation of the 2017-2022 Strategy for Reform of the Judicial Sector

  •  28 September 2021
  •  Iva Conevska Vangelova, Zlatka Stamboliska - Popovska
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Report

This Report following the implementation of the Strategy is structured in line with the plan for monitoring the implementation and for assessment of the results of the 2017-2022 Strategy for Reform of the Judicial Sector, using citizen-oriented indicators, i.e., indicators facilitating the assessment of the interaction of citizens with justice system institutions, as well as the degree of attainment of strategic goals, guidelines, measures, and activities envisaged under the Strategy. The Project Partnership Justicia: Regaining the Citizens’ Trust introduced citizen-oriented indicators for monitoring and assessing the implementation of the Strategy with a view to promoting the rule of law principle and prompting a greater human rights approach and focus within justice system institutions. Such indicators help measure the results of the 2017-2022 Strategy for Reform of the Judicial Sector from the human rights perspective and from the viewpoint of the Strategy’s effects on citizens, aga


 Резултати и недоследности во имплементацијата на Стратегијата за реформа во правосудниот сектор 2017-2022 година

  •  20 September 2021
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Оpinion

 Constitutional court of the Republic of North Macedonia, experience and perspectives

  •  13 September 2021
  •  Margarita Tsatsa Nikolovska, Igor Spirovski, Martin Sopronov
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Analysis

Constitutional judiciary has been existing in Macedonia for almost six decades. The First Constitutional Court, as a separate constitutional order institution controlling constitutionality of laws and constitutionality and legality of other general legal acts, was introduced with the 1963 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia. Its organizational setting, powers and working procedures for exercising its jurisdiction were regulated in detail with a special law. In accordance with its powers, the Constitutional Court exercised additional a posteriori or conditional repressive control over the constitutionality of the laws by making decisions that had the legal effect of determining unconstitutionality of a law. Where the Assembly failed to harmonize the law within 6 months, the Constitutional Court would conclude, with a new decision, that such law was abrogated.


 Проценка на ранливост од корупцијата во политиките и постапките за вработување, со посебен фокус на непотизам, кронизам и клиентелизам

  •  31 July 2021
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Report

 The (in)efficiency of State Labour Inspectorate’s protection of labour rights – Infographic number 7

  •  30 March 2021
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Statistics

This infographic contains data on how does the State Labour Inspectorate handle requests for extraordinary inspection, as well as apposite recommendations for the improvement of the Inspectorate’s efficiency. The Infographic covers the period from January to March 2021 and was produced within the project ‘Improved productivity through better labour legislation in North Macedonia’, funded by the Good Governance Fund of the United Kingdom Government, with the support of the British Embassy Skopje. Opinions and views stated in the contents do not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of the Government of the United Kingdom.


 2019 report on the results of the implementation of the 2017-2022 strategy for reform of the judicial sector

  •  05 November 2020
  •  Aleksandar Nikolov, Iva Conevska
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Report

This Report is based on the plan for monitoring the implementation and assessment of the results of the 2017-2022 Strategy for Reform of the Judicial Sector, using citizen-oriented indicators, i.e. indicators facilitating the assessment of the interaction of citizens with the justice system institutions, as well as the degree of attainment of strategic goals, guidelines, measures and activities envisaged under the Strategy.


 Special report on the situation with human rights during Covid-19

  •  13 October 2020
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Report

The COVID-19 virus pandemic has caused global effects on a scale incomparable to any other event in human history. The fast-growing health crisis, which hit almost every country in the world, is causing unforeseeable economic and social consequences, from which humanity is yet to recover. Given the seriousness and uncertainty of the events, many governments, including ours, considered it necessary to declare a state of emergency in order to properly address the dangers and harms of the new coronavirus. And since in times of а state emergency the Government can take action beyond what would normally be allowed, it also meant an alarm for the vigilance of human rights defenders.
