C-282/20 - ZX (Régularisation de l'acte d'accusation)


 C-282/20 - ZX (Régularisation de l'acte d'accusation)

  •  21 October 2021
  •  ECLI:  ECLI:EU:C:2021:874
  •  EU
  •  Court
  •  Court decision

In a request for a preliminary ruling under Article 267 TFEU, the Specialised Criminal Court in Bulgaria asked the ECJ whether a national law, which does not provide for any procedural remedy for errors and omissions in the content of the indictment which prejudice the right of the accused person to know what he or she is accused of, after the end of the first hearing in a criminal case (pre-trial hearing), is compatible with Article 6(3) of Directive 2012/13 on the right to information in criminal proceedings and Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and if the answer to that question is in the negative: would an interpretation of the national provisions governing amendment of the charges that allows the prosecution service to rectify those substantive ambiguities and shortcomings in the indictment at the hearing, so as to take proper and effective account of the accused person’s right to be informed of the accusation, be in keeping with the aforesaid provisions and with Article 47 of the Charter, or would it be in keeping with those provisions to refrain from applying national legislation prohibiting the staying of court proceedings and referral of the case back to the public prosecution service with directions to draft a new indictment. ECJ responded that the two aforementioned provisions must be interpreted as precluding national legislation which does not provide for a procedural means of remedying, errors and deficiencies in the indictment which prejudice the right of the accused person to be provided with detailed information about the charges following the pre-trial hearing in a criminal case. Furthermore, they must be interpreted as requiring the referring court to give an interpretation of the national rules on the amendment of the charges, as far as possible in a manner consistent with that law, so as to enable the prosecutor to remedy errors and omissions in the content of the indictment at the trial, while at the same tim
