Documents: Fundamental rights - Procedural safeguards

 Presentation 1 CH 23 Judiciary

  •  28 October 2022
  •  EU
  •  Official
  •  Other

Article 49 TEU lays out the requirement for new members states: respect and promotion of EU values. Article 2 TEU/Article 19 TEU/Article 67 TFEU recognize that while states have different legal systems, they must respect common rule of law standards for assuring effective legal protection (effective remedy/fair trial). This right is entailed in Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Articles 6 and 13 of the European Convention on Human rights.


 Presentation 11 CH23 detention standards

  •  28 October 2022
  •  EU
  •  Official
  •  Other

Article 4 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and various procedural rights lay out detention standards in the EU. The United Nations have established the following instruments in this area: Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and its Optional Protocol and UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (Nelson Mandela Rules), while the Council of Europe also sets out detention standards in the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.


 Presentation 10 CH 23 Rights of Victims of Crime

  •  28 October 2022
  •  EU
  •  Official
  •  Other

EU Legislation on victims' rights includes: • Victims' Rights Directive 2012/29/EU - Ensures minimum rights for all victims, all crimes • Directive European Protection Order 2011/99/EU + Regulation 606/2013 - Two instruments providing for mutual recognition of protection orders • Compensation Directive 2004/80/EC – Entailing obligation to set up national compensation scheme for victims of violent intentional crime


 Presentation 3 CH 23 Charter of Fundamental rights

  •  28 October 2022
  •  EU
  •  Official
  •  Other

The Charter of Fundamental Rights was formally proclaimed in Nice in December 2000 by the European Parliament, Council and Commission and on 1 December 2009, with the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the Charter was given binding legal effect equal to the Treaties. The Charter entrenches all the rights found in the case law of the Court of Justice of the EU; the rights and freedoms enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights; other rights and principles resulting from the common, constitutional traditions of EU countries and other international instruments. It creates legal certainty in the EU, by making fundamental rights clearer and more visible.


 Presentation 9 CH 23 Procedural rights

  •  28 October 2022
  •  EU
  •  Official
  •  Other

The strengthening of procedural rights of suspected or accused persons in criminal proceedings in the European Union is done by adopting and implementing the following: • Directive 2010/64/EU (27/10/2013) - Right to interpretation and translation • Directive 2012/13/EU (02/06/2014) - Right to information • Directive 2013/48/EU (27/11/2016) - Right of access to lawyer • Directive (EU)2016/343 (01/04/2018) - Presumption of innocence and right to be present at one's trial • Directive (EU) 2016/800 (11/06/2019) - Procedural safeguards for children • Directive (EU) 2016/1919 (26/10/2016) - Legal aid


 Rule of Law in View of EU Accession – July-September 2022

  •  25 October 2022
  •  Angela Delevska, Angel Mojsovski, Beba Zhagar
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Report

This brief summarises the key developments in relation to the rule of law in view of EU accession in North Macedonia for the period of July– September 2022. It includes monitoring the fundamentals of EU accession, including key developments in the functioning of democratic institutions, public administration reform, and chapter 23: judiciary and fundamental rights.


 Rule of Law in View of EU Accession – April-June 2022

  •  21 July 2022
  •  Angela Delevska, Angel Mojsovski, Beba Zhagar
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Report

This brief summarises the key developments in relation to rule of law in view of EU accession in North Macedonia for the period April – June 2022. It includes the monitoring of the fundamentals of EU accession, including key developments in the functioning of democratic institutions, public administration reform and chapter 23: judiciary and fundamental rights.


 Rule of Law in View of EU Accession – January-March 2022

  •  21 April 2022
  •  Ardita Abazi Imeri, Angela Delevska, Angel Mojsovski, Iva Conevska Vangelova
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Report

This brief summarises the key developments in relation to rule of law in view of EU accession in North Macedonia for the period January – March 2022. It includes the monitoring of the fundamentals of EU accession, including key developments in the functioning of democratic institutions, public administration reform and chapter 23: Judiciary and Fundamental rights. The brief is based on regular monitoring of the key institutions, desk review of available information as well as requests for free access to public information.


 The importance of the humans rights-based approach in the response to the COVID-19 health crisis in Republic of North Macedonia

  •  29 March 2022
  •  Martina Smilevska Kcheva
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Policy document

The pandemic caused by COVID-19 caused a health, economic and social crisis in the Republic of North Macedonia. In response to the pandemic, the government took a number of restrictive measures to prevent people from being exposed to the virus, thus slowing down its spreading, and introduced a set of measures to mitigate the adverse effects of the imposed restrictions. The adopted measures contributed significantly towards restricting citizens’ rights, and included a curfew, maintaining social distance, restricting movement and gathering, closing borders and stopping air traffic, online education, and the like. While such restrictions of the freedoms and rights may have, in part, been necessary to control the pandemic, many of them were too broad or neglected to consider effects on the most vulnerable categories of citizens, not only of the virus, but also of the socio-economic consequences. Hence, the purpose of this public policy paper is to analyze the response of the Gov


 Образованието во време на пандемија

  •  26 January 2022
  •  National
  •  Non-governmental organization
  •  Analysis
Key documents
  • European Commission Screening report for the Republic of Croatia
  • European Commission: Urgent Reform Priorities for the Republic of Macedonia
  • The Treaty on European Union
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